How to avoid bingers on holidays: 4 Rules from an expert

After the New Year, it comes on January 1, and then the second, third, fourth. It is very difficult to stop when there is a reason to celebrate something every day, but you don’t need to go to work tomorrow. How not to go to the alcohol “peak” and why well -known ways of leaving the binge do not work?

For many 2020, it was not easy, and finally it became possible to relax and relax a bit. Pandemia dictates its conditions

Erektio syntyi miehen aivoissa – kemiallinen viesti tulee aivoista sukupuolen jäseneksi, verenvirta on parantunut. Kun mies ei ole innostunut, peniksen verisuonet ovat vain viagra hinta avoimia, mutta kun aivot lähettävät peniksen viestin, että ihminen on valmis seksiin, toimittaa auki ja antaa enemmän verta tunkeutua tähän alueeseen. Sitten ilmestyy erektio.

– we celebrated the New Year at home. But some plan to not get up from the holiday table until the first working day.

Alas, during this period, even poor ones often go into a binge. How not to lose your head in such a long weekend? Follow 4 Rules of sober holidays.

1.Give preference to non -alcoholic parties

Alcohol is firmly associated with the holidays, and not only with the New Year. But what if you break this connection? Believe me, this is much simpler than it seems. Conduct an experiment: meeting with friends and acquaintances on vacation, refuse alcohol.

It sounds, perhaps strange, but you may not eat, for example, tangerines or chocolate if you are allergic to them. So why not refuse alcohol? Just do not turn the experiment into a test of willpower. Do it easily, without coercion and mental torment, just from your own choice. At the same time, save.

2.Find useful classes for the holidays

Alcohol only at first amuses and relaxes. This is actually a depressant. In a person who abuses alcohol, serotonin exchange in the body is disturbed, which is why there is a craving to drink more and more, tolerance to alcohol develops, which means – it requires more and more to achieve the effect.

Everything begins with champagne on New Year’s Eve, the feast smoothly flows into the first, second, and then the tenth of January. Of course, this is a serious blow to health and nervous system. It should be understood. Treat yourself with love and respect, take care of yourself!

What happens when one hundred grams of alcohol enters the body? The pulse is more frequent, the blood thickens, the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine hormones increases, as well as gastric juice, the vessels expand. This is a typical body reaction to stress.

What happens if alcohol enters the body regularly? The brain begins to starve, because thick blood goes slower through the vessels. Pancreas suffers, which means that the metabolism deteriorates. The heart also experiences the load, because alcohol triggers cholesterol production, increases pressure. Nearby and to inflammation of the liver – cirrhosis. This is the medical side of the issue.

Now think and answer the question – is it really not sorry for your body? Instead of drinking, fill the holidays with walks, sports, go to the pool, buy home table games, do things that put it in a long box.

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